Thursday, November 17, 2011

Specimen #15: Purple Mushroom

Name: Laccaria amethystea
Family: Tricholomataceae
Collection Date: September 11, 2011
Habitat: On mossy soil in a wooded area
Location: South Chagrin Reservation
Description: purple-gilled basidiocarp, seems mature.  Dark purple, not faded. Cap not much thicker than stalk.

Collector: Taylor Summerfield

Key used: Arora, David, 1986. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd Edition, Ten Speed Press, New York, New York.

Key Steps: Key to the Major Groups of Fleshy Fungi
1. Spores produced on mother cells called basidia; fruiting body variously shaped (see pp.52-54)...Basidiomycotina, P.57

Key to Basidiomycetes:
1. Basidia and spores borne externally...2
2. Fruiting body not at first egglike with gelatinous interior, no slime covering fruiting body...Hymenomycetes, below

Key to Hymenomycetes:
1. No pores or tube mouths on underside of cap...3
3. Underside of cap radiating blades (gills)...Agaricales, below

Key to the Agaricales:
1. Spore frocibly discharged, hence a spore print obtainable...2

2. Spore print lilac tinged...3
3. No volva or warts...4
4. Veil absent...6
6. Gills usually platelike or bladelike...7
7. Gills not exuding a latex when broken...8
8. Fruiting body not rigid...9
9. Gills not normally waxy...Tricholomataceae, p. 129
Key to Tricholomataceae:
1. Not growing on other mushrooms...2
2. Fruiting body not pinkish...3
3. Stalk present and well-developed...6
6. Stalk not arising from underground "tuber"...7
7. Veil absent...8
8. Veil absent...9
9. Gills and stalk not bruising dark gray to black...10
10. Stalk fleshy, usually at least 5mm thick...11
11. Fruiting bottle partially or completely purple...12
12. Gills thickish and fairly well-spaced; stalk fibrous and/or fibrillose; spore print white or lilac tinged...Laccaria, p.171

Key to Laccaria:
1. Gills purple to lilac when fresh...2
2. Not growing in sand...3
3. Small to medium sized cap, widespread in many habitats...4
4. Gills distinctly purple when fresh...Laccaria amythestina group, below
 Cap not faded to brown, Laccaria amethystea.


Specimen #14: Small Brown-Orange Mushroom

Figure 1: Aged pileus, fading toward the edges

Figure 2: flesh-colored gills

Name: Laccaria laccata, Lackluster Laccaria
Family: Tricholomataceae
Collection Date: September 11, 2011
Habitat: Under tree in a yard
Location: Warren, OH
Description: No annulus or volva.  Brown pileus and flesh-colored gills.
Collector: Taylor Summerfield

Key used: Arora, David, 1986. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd Edition, Ten Speed Press, New York, New York.
Key Steps: Key to the Major Groups of Fleshy Fungi
1. Spores produced on mother cells called basidia; fruiting body variously shaped (see pp.52-54)...Basidiomycotina, P.57

Key to Basidiomycetes:
1. Basidia and spores borne externally...2
2. Fruiting body not at first egglike with gelatinous interior, no slime covering fruiting body...Hymenomycetes, below

Key to Hymenomycetes:
1. No pores or tube mouths on underside of cap...3
3. Underside of cap radiating blades (gills)...Agaricales, below

Key to the Agaricales:
1. Spore frocibly discharged, hence a spore print obtainable...2

2. Spore print lilac tinged...3
3. No volva or warts...4
4. Veil absent...6
6. Gills usually platelike or bladelike...7
7. Gills not exuding a latex when broken...8
8. Fruiting body not rigid...9
9. Gills not normally waxy...Tricholomataceae, p. 129

Key to Tricholomataceae:
1. Not growing on other mushrooms...2
2. Fruiting body not pinkish...3
3. Stalk present and well-developed...6
6. Stalk not arising from underground "tuber"...7
7. Veil absent...8
8. Veil absent...9
9. Gills and stalk not bruising dark gray to black...10
10. Stalk fleshy, usually at least 5mm thick...11
11. Fruiting bottle partially or completely purple...12
12. Gills thickish and fairly well-spaced; stalk fibrous and/or fibrillose; spore print white or lilac tinged...Laccaria, p.171

Key to Laccaria:
1. Violet tones completely absent, even when fresh...Laccaria laccata and others, p. 172
Listed as cap 1.5-6cm broad, convex, flesh-colored to orangish, brownish-cinnamon, growing pale as it dries.


Specimen #13: Brown Capped, Scaled Mushroom

Figure 1: Scales and volva apparent

Name: Amanita brunnescens, Booted Amanita
Collection Date: September 12, 2011
Habitat: Shaded, wooded area next to tree

Location: South Chagrin Reservation
Description: Somewhat large, young basidiocarp with apparent volva.  Pileus is clearly scaled, and the cap is brown.  Volva appears to be collar-like. Older specimens appear to have lost scales based on photographs.
Collector: Taylor Summerfield

Key used: Arora, David, 1986. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd Edition, Ten Speed Press, New York, New York.

Key Steps: Key to the Major Groups of Fleshy Fungi
1. Spores produced on mother cells called basidia; fruiting body variously shaped (see pp.52-54)...Basidiomycotina, P.57

Key to Basidiomycetes:
1. Basidia and spores borne externally...2
2. Fruiting body not at first egglike with gelatinous interior, no slime covering fruiting body...Hymenomycetes, below

Key to Hymenomycetes:
1. No pores or tube mouths on underside of cap...3
3. Underside of cap radiating blades (gills)...Agaricales, below

Key to the Agaricales:
1. Spore frocibly discharged, hence a spore print obtainable...2

2. Spore print white to buff...3
3. Universal veil enveloping young specimens and forming a volva at base of stalk when it ruptures and/or leaving warts on cap...Amanitaceae, p. 262

Key to Amanitaceae:
1. Volva present at base of stalk...2
2. Cap usually with warts...Amanita, below

Key to Amanita:
1. Volva collar-like, cap with remnants of universal veil...15
15. Universal veil remnants not yellow; cap may or may not be whitish...22
22. Cap not pale yellow-green...23
23. Cap brown to olive brown in color; stalk lacking grayish patches...Amanita brunnescens, p. 279


Specimen #12: Small, Bright Orange Mushroom

Figure 1: Small agarics growing near each other

Name: Hygrocybe cantharellus, Miniature Waxy Cap
Family: Hygrophoraceae
Collection Date: September 12, 2011
Habitat: Mossy soil near tree roots
Location: South Chagrin Reservation
Description: Bright orange mushroom, dry, may be older.  Long stem, rather small.  Appear waxy.
Collector: Taylor Summerfield

Key used: Arora, David, 1986. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd Edition, Ten Speed Press, New York, New York.
Key Steps: Key to the Major Groups of Fleshy Fungi
1. Spores produced on mother cells called basidia; fruiting body variously shaped (see pp.52-54)...Basidiomycotina, P.57

Key to Basidiomycetes:
1. Basidia and spores borne externally...2
2. Fruiting body not at first egglike with gelatinous interior, no slime covering fruiting body...Hymenomycetes, below

Key to Hymenomycetes:
1. No pores or tube mouths on underside of cap...3
3. Underside of cap radiating blades (gills)...Agaricales, below

Key to the Agaricales:
1. Spore frocibly discharged, hence a spore print obtainable...2

2. Spore print lilac tinged...3
3. No volva or warts...4
4. Veil absent...6
6. Gills usually platelike or bladelike...7
7. Gills not exuding a latex when broken...8
8. Fruiting body not rigid...9
9. Gills with a waxy appearance; cap brightly colored...Hygrophoraceae, p. 103

Key to Hygrophoraceae:
1. Fruiting body not whitish...2
2. Fruiting body not pale, can be fright...17
17. Cap lacking dark scales...19
19. Fruiting body not blackening when handled...20
20. Cap bright red, yellow, or orange, at least when fresh...21
21. Stalk tpyically slender, hollow, and fragile...23
23. Cap dark to bright red when fresh, but may fade with age...24
24. Cap not bright red and not fading with age...25
25. Cap and stalk not slimy...26
26. Cap not retaining a pointed umbo in age...27
27. Gills not distinctly decurrent...28
28. Cap small, not viscid, fading to orange or yellow when dry...Hygrocybe miniata and others, p. 113
Hygrocybe cantharellus listed as similar, but having a longer stem.


Specimen #11: Shelf Fungus

Figure 1: Shelf fungus growing on log at West Woods, much smaller than specimen found at South Chagrin Reservation

Name: Ganoderma applanatum, Artist's Fungus
Family: Polyporaceae

Collection Date: October 4, 2011, September 12, 2011
On fallen log/tree
Location: West Woods and South Chagrin Reservation
Description: Hard, grows very large on wood, pores on underside instead of gills
Collector: Taylor Summerfield

Key used: Arora, David, 1986. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd Edition, Ten Speed Press, New York, New York.

Key Steps: Key to the Major Groups of Fleshy Fungi
1. Spores produced on mother cells called basidia; fruiting body variously shaped (see pp.52-54)

Fruiting body shelflike usually on wood...Polypores and Bracket Fungi...p.549

Key to Polyporaceae and Allies:
1. Spore bearing surface not composed of tubes; fruiting body woody...2
2. Fruiting body shelflike, stalk absent...4
4. Pore surface exposed...5
5. Pore surface not separable and elastic-gelatinous...6
6. Fruiting body with a cap...7
7. Spore bearing surface composed of a true tube layer which forms minute pores...8
8. Spore bearing surface with tubes (pores)...10
10. Very common...11
11. Fruiting body hard and woody even when fresh, medium sized to very large and often thick...Ganoderma, Fomitopsis, Phellinus, and Allies, p. 574
Key to Ganoderma, Fomitopsis, Phellinus, and Allies:
1. Pore surface not rosy...2
2. Varnished surface cap absent, stalk absent...6
6. Flesh not bright...7
7. Flesh bright yellow-brown to rusty-brown, brown, or dark brown when fresh...8
8. Pore surface white when fresh but turning brown when scratched or in old age; cap with a hard surface crust; very common...Ganoderma applanatum, p. 582


Specimen #10: Reddish Capped Mushroom

Figure 1: Pink, striated cap

Figure 2: extremely white gills

Figure 3: Cap fading in color

Figure 4: specimen at South Chagrin Reservation, a darker red than the others

Name: Russula paludosa, Graying Russula
Family: Russulaceae

Collection Date: September 10, 2011, September 12, 2011
In a yard near trees, on leaf litter
Location: Warren, OH and South Chagrin Reservation
Description: Somewhat small, caps very delicate and soft.  Darkening in the middle with age, underside of plieus very white.
Collector: Taylor Summerfield

Key used: Arora, David, 1986. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd Edition, Ten Speed Press, New York, New York.

Key Steps: Key to the Major Groups of Fleshy Fungi
1. Spores produced on mother cells called basidia; fruiting body variously shaped (see pp.52-54)...Basidiomycotina, P.57

Key to Basidiomycetes:
1. Basidia and spores borne externally...2
2. Fruiting body not at first egglike with gelatinous interior, no slime covering fruiting body...Hymenomycetes, below

Key to Hymenomycetes:
1. No pores or tube mouths on underside of cap...3
3. Underside of cap radiating blades (gills)...Agaricales, below

Key to the Agaricales:
1. Spore frocibly discharged, hence a spore print obtainable...2

2. Spore print white to buff...3
3. No volva or warts present...4
4. Veil absent, or if present then gills normally attached to stalk...6
6. Gills platelike or bladelike...7
7. Gills not exuding a latex...8
8. Cap plane to depressed at maturity...Russulaceae, p. 63

Key to Russulaceae:
1. Latex absent...Russula, p. 83

Key to Russula:
1. Fruiting body not very large or hard, cap somewhat brightly colored...10
10. Fruiting body not firm...11
11. Cap not yellow-brown to straw color...12
12. Cap not typically with a blackish center...13
13. Flesh and stalk surface staining gray to ashy or black...14
14. Cap orange to red...16
16. Cap red to orange or coppery brown; flesh bruising gray...Russula decolorans group, p. 91
Russula Paludosa described as having a reddish cap


Specimen #9: Purple Basidiomycete

Figure 1: immature basidiocarp with purple gills

Figure 2: Immature basidiocarp upright

Name: Laccaria ochropurpurea
Family: Tricholomataceae
Collection Date: September 11, 2011
Habitat: Under tree in a yard
Location: Warren, OH
Description: purple-gilled basidiocarp, appearing to not be fully matured.  Lightly lavender pileus and stipe.  Approximately 3 inches long, but shrunk considerably when dried.
Collector: Taylor Summerfield

Key used: Arora, David, 1986. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd Edition, Ten Speed Press, New York, New York.

Key Steps: Key to the Major Groups of Fleshy Fungi
1. Spores produced on mother cells called basidia; fruiting body variously shaped (see pp.52-54)...Basidiomycotina, P.57

Key to Basidiomycetes:
1. Basidia and spores borne externally...2
2. Fruiting body not at first egglike with gelatinous interior, no slime covering fruiting body...Hymenomycetes, below

Key to Hymenomycetes:
1. No pores or tube mouths on underside of cap...3
3. Underside of cap radiating blades (gills)...Agaricales, below

Key to the Agaricales:
1. Spore frocibly discharged, hence a spore print obtainable...2

2. Spore print lilac tinged...3
3. No volva or warts...4
4. Veil absent...6
6. Gills usually platelike or bladelike...7
7. Gills not exuding a latex when broken...8
8. Fruiting body not rigid...9
9. Gills not normally waxy...Tricholomataceae, p. 129
Key to Tricholomataceae:
1. Not growing on other mushrooms...2
2. Fruiting body not pinkish...3
3. Stalk present and well-developed...6
6. Stalk not arising from underground "tuber"...7
7. Veil absent...8
8. Veil absent...9
9. Gills and stalk not bruising dark gray to black...10
10. Stalk fleshy, usually at least 5mm thick...11
11. Fruiting bottle partially or completely purple...12
12. Gills thickish and fairly well-spaced; stalk fibrous and/or fibrillose; spore print white or lilac tinged...Laccaria, p.171

Key to Laccaria:
1. Gills purple to lilac when fresh...2
2. Not growing in sand...3
3. Fruiting body medium to large, stalk usually less than 1cm thick...Laccaria ochropurpurea
