Thursday, November 17, 2011

Specimen #12: Small, Bright Orange Mushroom

Figure 1: Small agarics growing near each other

Name: Hygrocybe cantharellus, Miniature Waxy Cap
Family: Hygrophoraceae
Collection Date: September 12, 2011
Habitat: Mossy soil near tree roots
Location: South Chagrin Reservation
Description: Bright orange mushroom, dry, may be older.  Long stem, rather small.  Appear waxy.
Collector: Taylor Summerfield

Key used: Arora, David, 1986. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd Edition, Ten Speed Press, New York, New York.
Key Steps: Key to the Major Groups of Fleshy Fungi
1. Spores produced on mother cells called basidia; fruiting body variously shaped (see pp.52-54)...Basidiomycotina, P.57

Key to Basidiomycetes:
1. Basidia and spores borne externally...2
2. Fruiting body not at first egglike with gelatinous interior, no slime covering fruiting body...Hymenomycetes, below

Key to Hymenomycetes:
1. No pores or tube mouths on underside of cap...3
3. Underside of cap radiating blades (gills)...Agaricales, below

Key to the Agaricales:
1. Spore frocibly discharged, hence a spore print obtainable...2

2. Spore print lilac tinged...3
3. No volva or warts...4
4. Veil absent...6
6. Gills usually platelike or bladelike...7
7. Gills not exuding a latex when broken...8
8. Fruiting body not rigid...9
9. Gills with a waxy appearance; cap brightly colored...Hygrophoraceae, p. 103

Key to Hygrophoraceae:
1. Fruiting body not whitish...2
2. Fruiting body not pale, can be fright...17
17. Cap lacking dark scales...19
19. Fruiting body not blackening when handled...20
20. Cap bright red, yellow, or orange, at least when fresh...21
21. Stalk tpyically slender, hollow, and fragile...23
23. Cap dark to bright red when fresh, but may fade with age...24
24. Cap not bright red and not fading with age...25
25. Cap and stalk not slimy...26
26. Cap not retaining a pointed umbo in age...27
27. Gills not distinctly decurrent...28
28. Cap small, not viscid, fading to orange or yellow when dry...Hygrocybe miniata and others, p. 113
Hygrocybe cantharellus listed as similar, but having a longer stem.


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