Thursday, November 17, 2011

Specimen #7: Young, Scaled Mushroom

Figure 1: Pileus showing scales

Figure 2: Full length of basidiocarp, showing large volva

Figure 3: veil not yet released from pileus to expose gills

Name: Amanita daucipes, Pine Cone Amanita
Collection Date: September 10, 2011
In a yard under trees
Location: Warren, OH
Description: Somewhat large, young basidiocarp with large volva.  Pileus is scaled, with scales darker than the pileus.  Veil still covers gills.
Collector: Taylor Summerfield

Key used: Arora, David, 1986. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd Edition, Ten Speed Press, New York, New York.

Key Steps: Key to the Major Groups of Fleshy Fungi
1. Spores produced on mother cells called basidia; fruiting body variously shaped (see pp.52-54)...Basidiomycotina, P.57

Key to Basidiomycetes:
1. Basidia and spores borne externally...2
2. Fruiting body not at first egglike with gelatinous interior, no slime covering fruiting body...Hymenomycetes, below

Key to Hymenomycetes:
1. No pores or tube mouths on underside of cap...3
3. Underside of cap radiating blades (gills)...Agaricales, below

Key to the Agaricales:
1. Spore frocibly discharged, hence a spore print obtainable...2

2. Spore print white to buff...3
3. Universal veil enveloping young specimens and forming a volva at base of stalk when it ruptures and/or leaving warts on cap...Amanitaceae, p. 262

Key to Amanitaceae:
1. Volva present at base of stalk...2
2. Cap usually with warts...Amanita, below

Key to Amanita:
1. Volva collar-like, cap with remnants of universal veil...15
15. Universal veil remnants not yellow, cap whitish...22
22. Cap not yellow to pale green...23
23. Cap not brown...24
24. Cap not brightly colored...26
26. Partial veil present...31
31. Cap not entirely brown when young...32
32. No warts on stalk...33
33. No reddish stains on fruiting body...34
34. Fruiting body white or whitish...35
35. Stalk terminating in bulb...36
36. Spores amyloid...38
38. Cap not soft ans cottony...39
39. Not known only from California...40
40. Cap usually with distinct, well-developed warts...41
41. Cap covered with large warts...A. magniverrucata, p.274
Description of A. magniverrucata indicates this species as the eastern counterpart.


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